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Private HPV test

Some information about sexually transmitted diseases!!

Sexually Transmitted Diseases – STD  are diseases that are transmitted between humans during sexual contact, although many of them have additional infection possibilities. This group includes both sexually transmitted diseases that have been known to mankind for thousands of years and those that have been discovered in modern times. Both adults, children and even unborn children suffer from these diseases.


Know your enemy

Thanks to the innovative technology, it is possible to detect the presence of these pollutants in a person's body not only through unique laboratory tests, but also with the help of sophisticated optical equipment. When diagnosing sexually transmitted diseases, various methods are used. Here are the main ones:

PCR- A method that isolates the genetic material of viruses from the test in order to identify their exact type

culture- A method in which the bacteria in the sample are allowed to multiply so that they can be identified. This method also allows the evaluation of the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment against these bacteria and thus helps doctors in determining correct and effective treatment.

direct surface- Examining a sample by directly viewing it through a microscope.

Blood test for antibodies- As part of the defense mechanism, our body produces unique antibodies against the pollutants that enter the body. If it is possible to identify unique antibodies to a certain infection, it is possible to determine whether the person has been sick in the past or is currently sick with some disease.


So what exactly are these bacteria we are talking about?

Tiny living creatures that can be seen in most cases only with the help of a microscope are called microorganisms in the professional language. The science of microbiology divides the microorganisms into different groups when what interests us are pathogens, microorganisms that can cause disease in humans or animals.

bacteria–  or bacteria are unicellular organisms that are divided into additional groups according to the cell structure into different groups. Of primary importance to his case here are: gonococcus which causes the development of gonorrhea / gonorrhea, spirochete which causes syphilis / syphilis, and chlamydia which is a parasitic creature that enters the human cells and damages the sexual and urinary systems and is therefore also transmitted through sexual contact.

viruses- or viruses are intracellular parasitic organisms that consist of foreign genetic material only. Only after entering a damaged cell can they take over it and reproduce. They are known to cause many diseases that are transmitted by sexual contact, among them cirrhosis of the liver type C, papilloma, herpes, the kissing disease, influenza, HIV.

mushrooms- Not full pathogens since they do not cause disease except under certain conditions only. This is how the Candida fungus works, for example

Parasites- Here we are talking about multicellular creatures, more developed than simple bacteria. For example   Trichomonas or Trichomonas which is also transmitted through sexual contact and is relatively common.

Mycoplasma and ureaplasma -  mycoplasma and ureaplasma which also cause inflammation under certain conditions but do not belong to any mentioned group but form their own unique group. When exposed to the outside world, they die quickly and are therefore transmitted through sexual contact which prevents this exposure.

These sexually transmitted diseases can develop slowly and even without the person's knowledge for a long time. At the same time, after a certain trigger, the disease erupts. There can be many reasons for this, including cases of immunosuppression of a person or pregnancy if it is a pregnant woman. All the mentioned pathogens are even more dangerous during pregnancy since they are threateningNot only about health but also about the life of the fetus.

Modern classification of sexually transmitted diseases

  1. Bacterial sex classes: Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Ulcus Molle, , chlamydiosis, granuloma inguinale

  2. Viral diseases that damage other organs in the body with the ability to pass not only in sexual science  HIV is a virus that causes immune system failure.  
    Hepatitis C, B viruses that cause liver cirrhosis are usually transmitted through the blood but can also be infected
    through intercourse.

  3. HSV – herpes virus. In addition to causing an unpleasant disease for adults, it is very dangerous for the fetus during  pregnancy since the placenta is passing through and therefore its presence is tested as part of pregnancy follow-up tests

  4. HPV – papilloma virus. There are a large number of varieties. Some of them are dangerous to humans not only by creating infections with skin damage in the form of warts but also by causing the development of oncological diseases (cancer)

  5. CMV – cytomegalovirus. A relative of herpes but may cause the kissing disease. The infection is mainly through sexual contact, but also daily contact (a relative living in the house for example)   may allow infection.

  6. Protozoan contaminants Trichomoniasis is a unicellular microorganism. Causes a lot of discomfort for men and women by causing a burning and itching sensation in the mucous membranes. Tends to be a co-morbidity with gonorrhea, AIDS, fungus Candida This fungus multiplies mainly during the weakening of the body's defense systems due to sister reasons. Especially when it multiplies in the woman's reproductive system it causes a change   the acidity of the environment and thus allows the easier culture of other bacteria. In excess can cause Candidiasis disease by itself.

  7. Other bacterial infections Chlamydia is an intracellular bacterium that is transmitted during sexual contact but also damages other exposed body membranes such as throat, eyes, colon, joints.
    Ureaplasmosis & Mycoplasmosis Pathogenic bacteria only certain builders. Causes inflammation, but the main danger is during pregnancy. In these cases the bacteria may cause a miscarriage.

  8. Additional microorganisms that are transmitted through sexual contact, among others.
    Scabies or scabies caused by a tiny mite that is not visible to the naked eye. Breeds mainly in conditions of poor hygiene. Due to the improvement in the quality of life and hygiene of humanity, its incidence has decreased significantly. In the past, there were plagues.
    Lice  lice are also known as organisms that can develop in poor hygiene conditions.

Common and unique features of sexually transmitted diseases 

The main common feature of these diseases derives from their name and is their very ability to pass from person to person through sexual contact. There are several common symptoms in some of these diseases, but at the same time, the symptoms can be completely different, especially when it comes to infections with these pathogens in unusual places. Partial pathogens, i.e. those that cause disease only under certain conditions can not show any symptoms at all if the person's immune system is functioning properly. Symptoms associated with sexually transmitted diseases are:

·    Itching and burning in the genitals

·    Lower abdominal pain, lower back or groin area

·    Painful discomfort during or after intercourse

·    Pain during urination

Today, great importance is attached to the early detection of venereal diseases during pregnancy, since venereal diseases can harm the fetus and cause a variety of deformities. Some of these diseases strike during pregnancy itself even when the disease is subclinical (without symptoms). An expression of this can be: abortions, fetal death, ectopic pregnancies (outside the womb) and various fetal development disorders. Therefore, during pregnancy monitoring, the pregnant woman is tested for TORCH infections:

·    Toxoplasmosis

·    Other (Syphilis, Varicella-zoster, Parvovirus B19)

·     Rubella

·    Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

·     Herpes

The diagnosis of these diseases is made after the onset of symptoms. There are infection detection kits for one or another of these diseases. Many of the sexually transmitted diseases can also be treated on an outpatient basis (does not require hospitalization), although some of these diseases are very serious and require complex treatment and require hospitalization and even several hospitalizations.



Other diseases related to the subject

 It should be noted that there are other different microorganisms that are not included among the venereal diseases mentioned but can cause diseases in the reproductive and urinary systems of humans. These contaminants can be unrelated to the sexual system or urine directly, but their presence during sexual intercourse allows it to pass from person to person, and if in the new shelter there is a situation of suppressing the local or general immune system, a disease may also develop in him. For example, E. Coli bacteria found in the digestive system can cause inflammation of the tip of the penis in a man who is exposed to it during anal sex, especially if adequate personal hygiene is not maintained afterwards. Although one should not jump to quick conclusions, such an infection can be caused by other bacteria that are not related to one type of sex or another, or to sexual relations at all. Thus, scabies in itself is not a sexually transmitted disease at all, but infection during intercourse is very common.

Gardnerellosis is a subject of much debate by scientists who cannot decide whether it is a normal condition or a diseased condition. This is a situation in which there is a disturbance in the balance of bacteria in the woman's vagina, between the "good" and "bad" bacteria. On the one hand, there are signs of local inflammation, but on the other hand, there is no pollutant that causes the disease, since the reasons for the development of this condition can be:

·         monal disorders

·         diseases associated with other diseases

Immune system disorders

·           _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58

Exposure to toxic substances  

·         intrauterine contraception

·         from sexual intercourse

This condition by its very definition is attributed to women only, but at the same time, having sex during this time constitutes exposure to these pollutants on the part of the man and can cause him to become infected with one disease or another.

A special place in sexually transmitted diseases is occupied by the Ebola virus. This is a virus that passes through any close contact between a sick and a healthy person, which is why sexual contact is considered a possibility of infection.

So we go into action?

We can perform blood tests for sexually transmitted diseases.

You can perform 7 types of STD tests or 9 types. See breakdown below.

It should be noted that our competing companies carry out 6 types of venereal diseases. From our experience it is recommended to carry out a comprehensive inspection to be sure.

#testing for sexually transmitted diseases

בדיקת HPV פרטית

Tel Aviv district

The fighters 53 Holon


* The contents of this website are intended for the purpose of information and general information only. The information provided here does not constitute or replace a recommendation for taking a medical procedure, opinion, counseling, and/or medical service.

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